Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blowing the Tire


Jenny said...

Oh, Ken that stinks! I hope all is well with you now!

There are three little letters that can make your life a little easier - AAA.

Hope the rest of your trip goes well, without incidents. :-)

Unknown said...

Wow! I think maybe God wants you to move to MN instead... Are you there yet or still travelling?

phasejumper said...

It's a sign....Ohio or Indiana wants you! (Great states to live in, by the way. Not that I'm biased.....)

Wild Blue Album Design said...

You still haven't signed a contract right? Come home boy!

Doug and Heidi said...

Words of Wisdom from your dear friends in PA - "God is telling you that you should NOT have left PA." Plain, simple..really don't see how he could make it any more clear to ya." COME BACK!!!

Unknown said...! Stay sanctified, friend. Praying for you.

Matt Tuttle

ruth said...

Oh,man! I'm sorry this happened! I hope everything worked out and you got back on the road with no further incident.