Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Me and Mac

I've owned a Mac for the last three years. I've loved every minute of it. I've had less trouble with my Mac in the last three years than I had with either of my other computers in the four years before that.

That said, my Mac blew its hard drive last week. Which, I hope, explains why I haven't finished posting the videos from my trip. I have the videos, I just need to make some quick edits and get them posted when I can.

California's great . . .

My niece is beautiful . . .

My sister and Dave are doing great . . .

I love the new apartment . . .

I'll try to get the videos and pictures posted as soon as I can.

Ps. I took some pictures on the way here. These are posted above.


ruth said...

Glad you made it safely. Sorry about your Mac!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics! Glad you finally made it. Can't wait to see pics taken by you of your niece!